it was a busy day for me, my birthday. after work i made three stops. one of them was at a meetup event, metronome brewery in St. Paul near the Saints baseball stadium. i had passed by it a lot when i was attending a game, first time inside. this small venue was crowded but i found a place in the back, and spoke with a Canadian lady, who was from the Vancouver area. one dude there i found to be annoying, couldn't get his facts straight and proved to be a hypocrite. i think this is why i am fine with just sharing a conversation with most of these people and then going our separate ways. i was there for a little over an hour and then went to Hy-Vee in Eagan for grocery shopping. this time it was in a paper bag, usually it is plastic. i went to their liquor store first and got another can of paulaner, so there are once again four beers waiting. before i made it to the brewery i went to a fish fry, at St. Thomas More in St. Paul. i had attended this one before, and noticed it was in a different room this time, the auditorium instead of the lunchroom. peach cobbler was part of the meal, and it reminded me of my college roommate. after Hy-Vee i went home and checked email, as expected there were some birthday wishes on Facebook, as well as some birthday offers in my Hotmail account. i guess there are five offers, but one of the movie theaters i have a loyalty account with didn't send an email to remind me like the others did. i have one movie in mind, now it means finding another one to see this month. free popcorn is the offer from both movie theater chains. at work, both of the big supply orders arrived in the morning. first it was check-stock, then the envelopes less than an hour later. this has happened before. one check file was listed as 'awaiting approval' and then was withdrawn. this was after i responded to the emailed overnight list saying it wasn't approved yet. during my walks i found 30 cents.
Lord GV11
I write about my everyday life.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
bag caught in door
no, not mine. but i did see a bag caught in the door on the light rail when i was heading home. at the next stop a rider put the bag outside. as i recall it was a re-useable grocery bag from Trader Joe's. i see people block the doors all the time, but usually it is themselves which is much heavier than a bag. sometimes the operator will get on the intercom and tell them to stop it. at work i saw the customer service boss in the morning, when i was dumping out trash in the breakroom. she was picking up something from the mailroom. in the afternoon a business line from st. louis sent an i.m. about their check file and i said i had already printed it. in the morning a tech arrived about the inserter machine, postponed from the previous day. now it is set up where the trays or hoppers can 'cascade', and i was shown how to change it as needed on each job or configuration. then i did the monthly popcorn social and had some peanut m and m's as well. i drank the can of paulaner with the evening meal. during my walks i found 26 cents.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
leanin tree greeting cards
during my lunchtime i decided to take a walk in the skyway to the next building over, to a convenience store that i had passed by often to get to Walgreen but hadn't been in yet. what had caught my eye before was the greeting cards. i got a good look at the display and bought one, made by 'leanin tree'. chose it as it is the 'year of birth' series. many years were available, i chose 1923 as that was the year of Emerson Hough's passing and of his book, 'covered wagon' being a hit movie. fourteen bullet points were about events of the year, including famous people born that year. one thing also there was mention of the attorney general declaring it legal for women to wear trousers anywhere. women got the right to vote in 1920, so it made sense that other rights would follow shortly after that. on the back of the card, it gives two web addresses. one is of the greeting card company, the other is of a museum of the same name, which according to online searches closed in 2017. i am aware of how some convenience stores have cards that been for sale for years, and some are dated if politicians are on them. this tells me the card had likely been for sale for a while if a now-closed museum is mentioned. there is another card, with a different theme, on display at this store that i will want to get sometime soon. good idea to get it while fresh in my mind, so likely next week. i bought two other items while there, a bag of skinny popcorn and a bottle of Dunkin donuts coffee. some businesses in the skyway weren't open, likely due to the winter weather. signs said a coffee shop closed at 12noon and a pizza place was 'closed for the day', so i guess it didn't open at all. it wasn't too big of a deal to get to work, main thing was getting out my big shovel to dig out my car. then i was ready to go, on to the park and ride. there were no 'big bang' reruns on as state tournament was on instead, high school boys hockey. i didn't watch that, i switched to the 'movies' channel and watched part of 'French Connection' as the channel is honoring gene hackman after his recent passing. later on, i went on a walk and found 76 cents.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
baseball ticket packages
as we all know, i like to attend baseball games. i saw an email in my Hotmail account tonight, two actually, in reference to baseball ticket packages with the St. Paul Saints. i referenced one when responding to the other, as i had heard from a ticket sales rep. there is mention of a package that includes one of the 'banana' games in early august, except i have already ordered tickets for one of those games- Charlie Brown day. i guess this isn't the first year where i have heard from a sales rep. i did name some other promotions that interest me. i wonder what kind of response i will get. at work the boss was in the shop, and near the end of the day i was asked about preferred places for a luncheon right before i was sending the regular mail tubs to the mailroom. i said i am not overly picky, but don't know the nearby restaurants that well yet. i liked how the backlog of Fargo checks to run through the machine went down, it was a little over a thousand and now it is just over six hundred. i prefer sending out no more than three tubs a day and i have other things to do when midday arrives such as get started on the overnight labels. in the evening i watched the president's speech to congress, which lasted over an hour. during my walks i found 51 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Howard found out his space mission conflicts with the wedding and talks to Bernadette's dad about it. this was followed with 'episode one'.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
charlie brown chex tin
i had bought plenty of boxes of Chex cereal during this past holiday season as many of them- five kinds- had Charlie Brown characters on the front of the box. the first one was back in October at a Target. i have bought most of them at the Hy-Vee though, and a few at a Cub Foods. i saw mention of the promotion on the boxes, buy three in the same transaction and send a copy of the register tape to get a tin. i sent a November tape in to the site in January, and the tin was waiting for me when i got off work tonight. nine characters are featured on this tin with a winter theme. hard to tell how much cereal it can hold when weight or volume is not given, but it is a decent-sized tin. not as big as ones that once held popcorn though. included is a packet of a party mix seasoning blend, and a recipe card. hard to say how i will use the tin, but as a big Charlie Brown fan i like having it. i still have some boxes of Chex cereal, it will be breakfast for a little while. not just corn cereal, with Charlie Brown on the front, but also peanut butter as i like most things that are peanut butter flavored. odd thing was the box said it was shipped from Battle Creek, Michigan, home of Kellogg cereal. Chex is made by their rival, General Mills. purely coincidental, i guess. i am sure it was a way to get people to buy more of their cereal, and for me it worked. i have been known to buy most things with those characters on it. at work there was plenty of ACH-PDF statements to send out, over a thousand, as we just reached the first of the month. first day sending it on copy paper, and this will save on check stock. vacation replacement was in the shop and we both went to the floor where the supply room is. we put three boxes of copy paper on the cart. i also delivered a check to the team lead while on that floor and got more inter-office envelopes to use. during my walks i found 77 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Howard has his bachelor party, and Bernadette said after seeing the video, 'you're not going anywhere, three-way' to raj. it was followed by the one where Leonard and his mom hug, while Stuart said he loves Denise.
Monday, March 3, 2025
horton hears a who movie
there wasn't much to do for the day. in the morning i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase, 'Horton hears a who'. this was actually two discs, two movies, in one case. the other animated movie i will try to watch soon. the voice cast included Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, and Carol Burnett. i had seen a shorter version of this story before, as i recall it is bonus material on another DVD, the animated version of 'the grinch' TV special. i had read a dr. Seuss book when i was young about the same elephant, it was 'Horton hatches the egg'. when one line was in the movie, it sounded familiar to that book. 'An elephant faithful, one hundred percent'. i saw the movie as having a lot of social commentary in it, and this made it a better story for me. in the afternoon i went to a library to read a recent newspaper that i expected to have this year's fish fry list, except the list wasn't there. i didn't feel like doing an online subscription with the paper jsut to see the list. i did some more searching online and found a Lutheran church going to a different fish fry every Friday during lent, except for good friday. this gives me plenty of ideas. McDonald's is likely one of the seven stops as well. proximity makes plenty of sense on where to attend a fish fry, but there are plenty nearby within a short drive. i also ran my paper shredder for the first time in months, two plastic grocery bags filled. in the early evening i went to perform. there were stories about the bank, a U-turn, and being asked for donations. after i got back, i heard a crying child and then a music box while i was doing the dishes. i wanted to go to my neighbor and ask, 'why did the music stop? i don't mind'. i am sure the music was a way to try to get the kid to stop crying. during my walks i found 51 cents.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
emilia perez movie
in the evening i went to see the movie 'Emilia Perez', in Lakeville. not many screenings available in the metro area, this was the only one for the day at this venue. hard to tell but i might have been the only one at this screening. i sat up front. this one was on my list as i knew it had been nominated for Oscars, including best picture. this was the third and final one of the Oscar nominees that i wanted to see. this venue classified it as a comedy but there was nothing funny in this movie. a musical, a thriller? that is more likely to describe it. most of it was subtitled, not a big deal to me. wanted to see it also because i knew Selena Gomez is in it, as the drug lord's wife. the lawyer to the drug lord was a big part of the story. liked seeing a karaoke scene in it as i have done karaoke before. i got a good look around at this venue, as i saw posters for plenty of classic films on the wall. i got pictures of some of these, including of 'rain man', as well as 'vacation', and 'wayne's world'. i didn't do much after i drove home. in the morning i went to the post office, one order was picked up. then i went to jersey mike's for a sandwich as it was midday by then. i laid down for a little while, then i went to aldi for groceries. i went to a speedway gas station for the evening meal as i needed gas for the car. i got a bottle of juice and two slices of pizza, then it was on to rhe movie. during my walks i found 2 dollars 30 cents.