Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It's nice to have some nights off from going out, and very necessary at times. I was a little behind on record keeping so it meant pulling out the ATM receipts from my wallet and getting them entered in my check register. Sometimes the search leads to more than expected, as there was I found $2 between the receipts. The other notable money-related thing was getting 15 pennies in my change bank, a gallon can of beer that my college roommate gave me. I value anything given to me by friends. It also meant shredding some junk mail and getting laundry from the easy chair into the basket under the table I am writing on. I was amazed at how much mail I get from political candidates, some of them have sent me mail more than once. I will try to read through them before the primary election, on August 10.
    Another thing I did was retire another shirt, it was a BP shirt I had received at a festival a few years back. It was advertising BP with invigorate, and how it would help your car run younger, longer. Ironic since the oil spill in the Gulf has killed and damaged many animals. This is why I decided to cut it up as I am boycotting BP and I don't wish to wear their shirt. I discovered by accident how I had it, as it was my undershirt, under my office-appropriate shirt. I have plenty of T-shirts so I'm not going to miss one of them. I even left a comment on the 'Boycott BP' Facebook page about it.
   About the only thing I didn't do was check my cellphone for any messages, but I can still do this before turning in tonight.
    I'm still seeing articles about Emerson Hough School on Facebook, and it is still an annoying issue for me. One article was about the alternate uses of the school, and how a low price was charged to rent out the school's library. I said it was the proverbial 'cutting off the nose to spite the face'. One of the few good things was it led me to start this blog and get books that Hough wrote. As I write I see the 6 Hough books I have on the coffee table. I think about Hough's influences way more now, like when I was in St. Louis there was an ad at the airport about protecting frogs at Yellowstone Park. I took a picture of it, though the picture wasn't as good as I would have liked. But it reminded me how Hough helped get a law passed to protect buffalo and other wildlife at Yellowstone. Whenever there's an Oregon Trail (video game) joke at the comedy club I also think of Hough, as he wrote 'Covered Wagon'. There still isn't much mention of Hough (the man) as we discuss the fate of the school. I was one of the few who has spoken about the man. Naturally another time when I think of Hough is when there is mention of his friend, Theodore Roosevelt. I'm sure I can get a T.R. bobblehead on Ebay, though since the Emerson Hough ordeal was discovered by me in April I have mostly been interested in acquiring Hough items. Besides 4 of the 6 books, it also meant school-related items like the towel with a husky on it. I may have been a late arrival on helping with the cause, but it is something I believe in. I am proud to be part of trying to help preserve Emerson Hough's legacy, as he himself was interested in conservation and historic preservation.

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