Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bus Driver Wasn't Stopped

I took a later bus than typical and witnessed a passenger arguing with the driver. He was an older man, gray hair, a ponytail, and a fluffy beard. She said she wasn't stopped when he stepped in front of the bus to put his bike in the rack. I didn't care for how the argument just kept going and going. It was why I changed my seat and moved to the back so I wouldn't have to listen to it as much. In the end, neither one was any better than the other as nobody wanted to let it drop. It was also what I said when I saw an argument at a grocery store a few years ago. With that one, I basically felt the same way. I just wanted to remove myself from the equation as quickly as possible as I didn't feel safe at all. But much like with the bus, little can be done about it as one must be dependent on others for help. So it requires some trust that things will work out fine, something I'm still not known for much when I prefer being in control. Even if the feeling is an allusion, and it often was and still is. Best training for trust is events like these, or even as a passenger in planes as obviously one must 'ride it out' since once can't go anywhere for the time being. I will often say when there's turbulence how I have to pretend how I'm at the nearest amusement park as that's what works for me.
   All the driver seemed to keep saying was how she wasn't stopped and it was for safety reasons and how she didn't want to lose her job.
   Some riders said 'I just want to get home' and I felt the same way. There was some mention from one rider of how they didn't want the bus stopped due to the transit police arresting the rider. It didn't get that far, and I haven't seen this yet. But I don't want to either. He got off before I did.
   First day of the popular state fair was today, of course I will be attending next week.

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