Friday, May 30, 2014

Serving Trays

    At work in our 'News to know' weekly message there was mention of serving trays available in the executive side break room. I went there shortly after seeing it, knowing they may not last long. Both of them are plastic, one is round and the other is square. I said it looks like I could serve pizza in the round one, though it seems to be bigger than even a large pizza. I am sure I will find a use for both of them. One thing I mentioned was putting electronics on it to prevent scratches on furniture.
   It can be an adventure taking the bus to and from work. In the morning I decided to sit in the back, and it meant not sitting next to the woman I have talked to on a regular basis. I find that she is hard to talk to, either being kind of negative about many things or just plain not being on the same page when we discussed subjects. It is easier to read from the book I carry in my backpack when I am by myself anyway. In the evening I had to deal with a man that had too much to drink. He was talking to a man who had his lady friend's young son, age 3 think, with him. This man had an unopened can of beer with him, Natural Ice. He was advised by his new friend not to open it on the bus, but eventually he did anyway. When this happened, the driver asked him to get off the bus, and he did about two stops later, also my stop. The man swore at me and asked me what my problem was, claiming I was touching him but I did nothing of that sort. I said I'm not the one sitting in the aisle.
   I went to a friend's comedy show in Minneapolis tonight, actually there were two shows. It was The Turkeys. I know many of the members of this troupe, having performed with them before. Before the show I said to 'The big dog' when I was greeting everyone that I am here if you need me. I had enough time before the show began where I was able to go get dinner. I had hoped to get a little Godfather's pizza but all they had was cheese, I need more than that on a pizza I am eating. I got a chicken ranch wrap sandwich. Many of the skits I had seen before, but there were some new ones. I laughed quite a bit at most of the jokes I heard during the show. This also includes self-checkout, Grizzly Adams since he once did a joke about looking like this character, and the Oklahoma native. The second show had some variations on the stand-up sets, so it was worth staying for. I also liked being able to speak at length with the skit director after the show, at first about Harvey Pekar books since he said this blog has a writing style like Pekar's. I do like discussing more than just comedy. Some of it was also about dealing with people, wanting to avoid what I would call being too extreme. We agreed it was best to be neither too naïve nor too cynical about people. I don't think I have a name yet for the lone female member of this troupe. I know she went to Augsburg College. She played the co-MC of a debutante ball in the first show and was in some of the skits as well. I did see plenty of pictures on Facebook recently that she shared about getting a pet pig. When I made a reference to the movie 'Mad Dog and Glory', about the nightclub owner booking himself for the comedy shows, I liked how the skit director got the reference. It was about how I mostly write about the performers, though there are some exceptions. I also enjoyed the shop talk with Grizzly Adams after the show.
     The skits, or sketches, started off with Gorilla Fingers. Then there was the conference call and the sequel. Another was about scars and tattoos, ending with inhaling redi-whip. Grizzly Adams did a joke about the Island of Misfit Toys. Self Checkout did one about his Ford Escort car being retired. Another was about shopping at Wal-Mart, and Macy's. I think the Ricky and Joe show is brilliant, making fun of some local sports stars. Grizzly and the Oklahoma native played those roles. The erotic novelist skit was next. The big dog was next with jokes, doing one about living with his lady for 7 years. He said Bruno Mars was a joker. He would like to be screamed at. He did a voice impression of his dad calling that I really liked. Others were about watching porn, calling in sick, chivalry is dead, zealot love, and some more skits. We saw another jewelry commercial, and Leon, which is inspired at least in part by Old Yeller. Grizzly did more jokes. One was about walking cats, followed by why leave? you're an idiot. There was also ones about a thumbs up at a car wreck, and visiting the ultra-sound clinic. More skits, the third date and then the third jewelry commercial. The Oklahoma native did jokes. This included one about it making perfect sense, followed by how it will work this time with his lady. There was also the boob-less joke, grabbing valuables in a fire, retirement plans, broken stall, and haircuts.
    There was some variation with the second show. Oklahoma did one about stocks you should have sold earlier, followed by buying a car on Craigslist. There was also one about people with a blue tooth, and I got a shout out. Grizzly did one about 'We got you, perverts'. We all look at porno. He then plays a recording. Self checkout did one about not blaming us for the weather. He is thankful he is married. He does a joke about friends picking up girls in bars, ending with 'Bravo!' The big dog did one about finding a dead body, followed by music about dying for his lady. There was one about porn, and sliding salami. He called the crowd depressed people in a basement. There was one about eating at Denny's, and somebody doing a shoulder drop in the bathroom and then saying 'Good evening'. There was one about going after the words, and do I call him a slowpoke. I liked hearing a voice impression, 'You need to be more creative'. He caught a yawn from an ugly person, and there was 'Suicide by cop'. The closing song was 'Help' by The Beatles.

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