Monday, October 26, 2015

Don Denkinger, Bill Buckner

    I read an online article today about Don Denkinger and Bill Buckner. The two are infamous in baseball history due to game 6 in consecutive World Series, in 1985 and 1986. The former is an umpire who called a runner safe but he was out, and the latter let a ball go through his legs. It is proof of how people take their sports way too seriously. It said the ump got death threats because of it. The article spoke of the two having a conversation while in town for an event at the Field of Dreams near Dyersville, Iowa. This is a place I have been to 3 times before. I also made it to the comedy club tonight.
    At the comedy club, Cee-note did ones about not a real person, false bravado, robber at Sneaky Pete's, and try to find mom. International Falls did ones about raw dog, ax-anarchist, emergency contact to prince, skateboard, spoon in bushes, and 426 days no HR. Tortoise did ones about actor the Rock, 9 by myself, and poopy diaper. Happy meal did ones about 'is that what this is about?', chiropractor, Paws shirt, wisdom teeth, ER on Christmas, and advice from Grandpa. Turtle check did ones about cheeseburgers, hunting, pretend to be a tree, cute season, 15 pound gain, mountain biking, bowling, and BBQ. Brawler did ones about condom at all times, chicken dance, blatant and passive, devoid of irony, and hat for horns. A high-energy comic did ones about curtsy, hi, office temp, gouge, and grandson not married. Fever comic did ones about make eye contact, an STD, and back hair model. Sub teacher did ones about butch and sundance, Alan Jackson, handwriting song, stripper's house, forms of words, tiny Freud, North Korea ruler, and Obama beer ad. Extra murder did ones about Saturday night fever, Elton john, tax day, Nike jump rope, eye chart, sister's wedding in Hawaii, and Denny's placemat. Mr. Pibb did ones about a parakeet, identical twins, you don't need a dog, endangered species, is this your cat, turner and hooch, freaky Friday, and IUD poking. School bouncer did ones about kid in field, invisible friend, princess to me, 4th grader, hoodie, concussion, dry mouth, dizzy, walk out of work, dad's garage, Michelle Obama, and school lunches. Tetris did ones about Jonathan Frakes, mall train, Jimmy Fallon, dating apocalypse, yell at license plate, song you can dance to (got a shout out), ghost stories, IKEA, and a love seat. Perkins did ones about Dick Cheney, sister fired from post office, baby cooking, where you going, callback to Tetris (got a shout out), Anderson Cooper, Dad and Mom on again off again, and phone bill.

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