Wednesday, August 10, 2016

driving my life away, eddie rabbitt

I was driving home tonight and heard a song I had heard many times before, called 'driving my life away' by eddie rabbitt. after all of the rain, actually it was still raining some, it seemed appropriate. thee is a line about the 'windshield wipers slapping out a tempo' although another song of his is more about rain, 'I love a rainy night'.
   this evening after work I wasn't home for all that long, as I wanted to get to a fringe show, it was 'becoming inga' at the u. of Minnesota. I had seen it before, outside of fringe, at Bryant lake bowl, and was thankful to see it again. it was funny and honest, and many can relate to leading a 'double life'. also relatable in terms of we don't always choose the pivotal moments in life, where fate intervenes to change us and make us more complete. it was the 9th show I had seen at the festival. I was afraid of needing to get up and having to use the bathroom during the show, as I arrived just minutes before it began, but I managed to last through the show and then some. I got some photos of the venue, and it was minutes after it ended when I was finally in dire need of a bathroom break. I waited a while outside the venue for the rain to let up, but eventually I walked the two blocks back to where my car was in a parking ramp. I just didn't want to get soaked as I had no umbrella with me. I went across town to perform at another venue but it was called off due to the storms. I stayed to have a beer and watch some of the coverage of the Olympic games.
   at the office it was the first time in a while that we had done the afternoon walk, something I really like to do. I spoke of getting  a hotel room reserved for new York, and how I want to figure out soon what day to go to the state fair.

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