Wednesday, April 26, 2017

lunch bag retired

today I decided to retire a lunch bag that was given to me by my employer. what made this decision easier was finding another one in the breakroom. I had seen it there the previous day and it went unclaimed for a while so I figured it was fair game. I did one thing that I've done before when retiring some items- I kept a piece of it. I cut off the front part, which was part of a pocket, that said 'health coach' and a toll-free number on it. it was all torn inside, and the zipper often got caught on a corner and I had to help it along at times. I noticed some of the corners had holes as the stitching was coming apart. this one had a good run, I had it for a while. I try to keep things around as long as I can, as long as they are useable.
   tonight I was part of a comedy contest, and I liked how I had some office colleagues there. two in all, the site leader and his wife. some others said they could make it a few days earlier but then said they couldn't make it. I did ones about taco bell, being asked invasive questions, gifts on a first date, 50-cent, and performing in costumes. I did not advance but it is hard to advance. I knew two of the judges, facebook friends. one was the bus fare comic. I briefly said hi to big dog after the show was over but he was busy probably talking business with others there, so that is all I got to do.

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