Tuesday, July 17, 2018

unidentified woman

I went to perform tonight and I enjoyed talking to the crow, and with a newer comic. but I as usual have a hard time remembering to ask for a name. so when I said it inspired a bit to do onstage, that it was an 'unidentified woman' although I found out her name when the MC, 'extra murder' comic, called it as she went on earlier in the show than I did. after the show she said she liked me using this term. I wanted to stay true to the story, that is why I told it that way. I was also ducking out every so often from the show room so I could watch some of the baseball all-star game. looks like it went into extra innings, but the American league won it. I did see more than one solo home run hit. It is a reminder of wanting to visit Washington, DC, again, since I haven't been there in 9 years, but I am unsure at this point as to when it will be possible. I also liked happy meal doing a joke about a Minneapolis landmark.
   I went to another job fair this afternoon, there may be some good leads from it. although as usual many of the companies represented there would not be a good fit for me as I am looking for office work. but I did like seeing little candy bars available from pearson company, the makers of the salted nut roll. I also got annoyed with one agency that sent me a voicemail, email, and text messages about a position, then got impatient with me when they asked for an updated resume. even though they didn't wait very long to call me back. this was not an agency at the job fair. it is too much like others I have seen before, never met them and they claim they found my resume on a job website. I was ready to say 'not interested' and have done this before. I know I did when one agency called and left 4 voicemails in an hour, not giving me much of a chance to respond. one needs standards about proper conduct. or as I have said before, it got easier for me to say 'I have had enough'.

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