Sunday, August 26, 2018

manila in the claws of light movie

I watched the other movie on loan from the library around midday, 'manila in the claws of light'. of course the title drew me to it, since I would still like to visit the Philippines someday. it was released in 1975, and is about a young man from the provinces trying to find his girlfriend in manila. he takes a job as a construction worker, and eventually finds her. it shows the seedy side of life in this city, including brothels. I recognized many of the brand names on neon signs in the background, some of them American. I also recognized what was rizal memorial park. he was the national hero, a man became a martyr when he tried to rally the people for independence from spain. there was a scene in a catholic church, and some Christmas songs being sang as well. there were plenty of jeepneys shown, my former boss had said to me before that they are everywhere there. I found out 'jitney', at one point in the subtitles, is essentially the same. there was plenty of special features as well. disc one was the movie itself and an introduction by martin Scorsese, a well-known director but he did not direct this movie. disc two had all of the special features, including  the making of the film, and a documentary with the director. he spoke of what it was like living there during the marcos regime, who was considered to be a dictator. I do recall the news coverage when marcos stepped down in 1986, replaced by Corazon aquino. there was also a review by a movie critic, and it said this director was known for directing what would be considered 'soap operas' often before doing a film like this one. apparently it is a big thing to make films based off comic books that aren't superheroes. I think these are now called 'graphic novels'- and these are often considered to be 'soap operas'.
   I made it back to the library just before closing time to return both movies, and got two more. I also watched two 'simpsons' episodes. one was about living in feudal times, of course it made me think of attending the renaissance festival. it was funny to me on some level to see a lion that was trying to give them religious literature, I am sure it has some kind of real meaning if it is being parodied on this show. I actually said 'satire' more than once when watching these episodes tonight, as I do recognize satire and enjoy it a lot. I like using that word more than 'parody'. the other one I had seen before, it was when lisa went to see a student therapist and was advised to do something creative. it became 'sad girl', a graphic novel. I knew I had seen it once I saw the live theater version of it, which was a disaster.
   I also did more with my comedy souvenir binders, since I had more sheet protectors, got them on sale from Walgreen this week. it meant getting the last of what I had from the fringe festival in its special binder. it was time as the festival ended two weeks ago. I got the other items into the fourth of my main binder. then I got the dishes done before watching the 10pm news. I am paying attention to the weather report as I want to attend the state fair this week.

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