Tuesday, October 30, 2018

bear hugs book

I was out for a walk after work and saw a bear hugs book for kids near a dumpster. it made me feel kind of sad, so I did what I often do when I see something similar. I got a photo of it. I think I have a book in my collection with a similar title and theme.
   at work I closed 12 more loans, and 2 rejected loans were handled as well. it was nice to get the one cleared that wanted the property description. but I also checked what was in imaging, and there was one version that was easier to copy. I have typed these out before myself, when they are short enough. but I read this one and it could be repetitive, so I said it was too long for that. sometimes it means coming back to something when one ha more patience with it. I don't like having to skip over loans but I did it today. and for whatever reason, it has been working to have this game plan. but I also recall a lesson from school, about doing the easiest ones first as it takes up less time. I also let my boss know about an I.T. issue on drafting assignment pages, and found out there was a simple solution for it. I think it was odd that there was no prompt about required information before I was allowed to move to the next screen, as there usually is. but you live, you learn. so I do like how there is no 'unfinished business' left in my queue at the end of the work day, probably the first time this has happened. there are some loans in it, but no rejected ones. I like how not too many have been rejected. each one I see it as a 'teachable moment'.
   I went to perform tonight, the show the spoken words performer does. he was wearing a Chicago bears football jersey, he is from that city. I liked seeing airway there, somebody I know from another mic. the 'techie' from last night wasn't there, so I did the bit about him, easier to do when this is the case. I also did the one given to me by laundry, a perspective about me that made me laugh even though it wasn't true.

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