Friday, February 8, 2019

windshield washer fluid

my first stop this morning was to a gas station to get some windshield washer fluid. I used most of what was in the big bottle. it is hard to say how effective it is, as after I got out of an interview I noticed the sun had helped break up the ice more. there was three appointments. first was a phone interview, second an in-person interview. the third was with the back-to-work program. I spoke of accepting an offer that starts in just over a week from now. so I am pleased that there are no plans for further appointments with this advisor. in many ways I learned that I had to 'take charge' of the situation, be proactive. no surprise how there was more activity coming my way when I started applying more often. but at the same time, the accepted offer was with an agency, so I liked not having to interview for it. but I also became wary of agencies as they usually can't 'put their money where their mouth is' about opportunities. this was an agency that got my hopes up numerous times in the past year. but when there are no other offers at this time, I must go with what is available. the advisor said his wife had worked at this office for a while, once I found it in my printed forms what organization they will be sending me to. naturally it is a question of how I keep myself busy next week when I am going back to work soon. I am fine with still going on more interviews as I have the time. and then let things take care of themselves after that, in terms of if there are any more offers.
   in the evening I went to a karaoke bar. this was an important night as I know full well how I get antsy when I have to skip a night of performing due to the subzero weather. I did 'lullaby' by shawn mullins. I liked the name-checking in this song, this was why I wanted to do it. but also since there is mention of something really true about performing in it. how 'everybody has a plan'. it is a nice way to cap off the day, that for a while was my service anniversary at work with a place I 'called home' for well over a decade.

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