Friday, April 5, 2019

paterno movie, al pacino

I knew I was running out of time to watch a DVD on loan from the library, so I watched it tonight. it was 'paterno' starring al pacino as the penn state football coach. I do recall some of what was covered in this movie, about the events of 2011 that led to Paterno's firing. when I was watching it I said 'what a mess' as it was, on so many levels. I did not recognize many actors in it aside from pacino. it was a movie produced by HBO, which may explain why I hadn't heard much about it if it didn't get a release into theaters. the closing credits said it was mainly filmed in white plains, new York.
   I went to another fish fry this evening, at a catholic church and school. the food at this one was pretty good. the main thing was coming in a different way than others did so it was harder to see where to pay and where to get in line. besides the main course there was little cups of pudding. some drinks were extra, I was fine with getting water out of a jug. a man was there with his lady and said I looked familiar. I said I had worked downtown, I think he recalls me from a former job.
   at work I had a long 'one on one' session with my boss. I would like to think I can get past any obstacles that exist for me. I was upset about losing cases, then I was informed I could put them on a shelf if I was hung up on something and then take it off the shelf when I am ready again. I tried to go to a karaoke bar to sing tonight but I waited around for over an hour and never came off the waiting list. I hated the feeling of how it was a wasted trip. I just didn't feel like driving to another venue, farther away, even though I have before when a venue looks packed. I am also aware of how I can leave even earlier, such as skip the late news, or leave immediately after it is done.

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