Wednesday, July 10, 2019

davanni's left overs

when I arrived at the performance venue tonight I saw left overs from davanni's, the pizza place, in the back room. I asked if it was for anyone, and the bartender said it was. so I had a piece of bread and some salad. except it looked like there weren't any forks left, so I had to eat it with my fingers. I didn't want to be a 'barbarian' but felt like I had no choice. I was the first performer at this show, and the button was the headliner. she had some good new ones about a catalog, and about toys. the earlier ones related to sibling rivalry were also fun, as they are relatable. I made a U-turn close to the venue after leaving to avoid after-game traffic.
  this was a low-energy day with job searching, as there was much less activity. I spent some of the day sleeping while waiting for calls. one place emailed me and said my phone wasn't working, but this wasn't true. I tested the line by having somebody call me. I also went to a city government office, and showed them evidence of being instructed to find the place after applying on indeed. they made a copy, not sure what might change. but I was advised to apply on the town's website. it was annoying to find out how applying on indeed, once again, was a waste of time. I would prefer them having the 'apply on company site' button so there is much less wasted energy. two things I already heard about this week are a no-go, disappointing but I know this happens a lot when going through an agency. Thursday will be busy again though, as there are two job fairs to attend as well as an open house.
at least the open house is likely, saw an email and waiting to hear more details about it. there is an in-person interview as well. it wasn't thrilling to see some stats in an email about some positions I applied to on indeed from 2 weeks ago. it was 10 in all, smallest number of applicants was 14, and two of them had over 200 applicants. no wonder why applications on indeed usually go nowhere!
   I ran across something about presidential medal of freedom announcements. looks like there will be three more sports figures to be honored. I had heard about jerry west, and roger Penske, the latest one is bob cousy. no date was given on the official ceremony though, for these three. it led to me finding some more on the list, under businessmen. just by going through the alphabetical list, I found this out. this included ed DeBartolo, sr., as well as a Bronfman- edgar sr. the former owned the Pittsburgh penguins, his son owned the san Francisco 49ers. the latter I was not familiar with, but the name sounded familiar. his brother, Charles Bronfman, owned the montreal expos, and the two brothers helped run the seagram's liquor business. I like how reading about the nation's highest civilian honor helps me with understanding history on a higher level.

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