Monday, December 2, 2019

different training room

there was training this afternoon about property taxes, and it was still in the basement but it was in a different room. I was doing my best to pay attention but it can be hard to do at times.  there weren't all that many calls today, but some weird ones. such as somebody refusing to get off the line until somebody helped them. and I found out it was in my range, after another department rejected the call 3 times. I heard a different thing each time as to why, because I got somebody different each time.
   after work I picked up my car, thankfully it was a minor thing with one of the tires. it cost me nothing, and I am thankful for this. in the evening I went to my once a month venue. another comic found me after the show and asked me about karaoke. of course this was due to how many of my stories are about being at karaoke bars. the question was what my go-to song is, but I said I don't have one. I like trying a wife variety of songs. I don't want to be a 'one-trick pony' and do the same thing each time. this also explains why I am re-writing my comedy sets each week. it would be boring to do the same thing each time, and really not challenging either. I considered going to the button's show, which her friend told me about last week in person, but I prefer stand-up over karaoke when looking for stage time. it is hard to say how often I would make it when most Mondays I am at an open-mic that I really like doing. we have to put our craft first, although I do like seeing friends as often as I can. notable tonight was finding an alternate place to park, as it said my preferred place was full. not a big deal to me, each I keep saying that performing is a 'fluid thing'.

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