Tuesday, June 21, 2022

junked appliances

 when i was out for a walk i saw a garage that was full of junked appliances. so i got a picture of it. some refrigerators and some stoves. on another walk i heard somebody's sob story about how many kids they have and needing bus fare to get to a food bank. i said i was just scraping by myself. i found ways to stay active on a day off. i went to a little target and got a tube of aim toothpaste, it can be hard to find. i slept for a while in the afternoon, after watching another DVD movie, 'ernest goes to camp'. much like others in this franchise, the slapstick doesn't work for me as well as it did when i was a youngster. i also watched 'jeopardy', first time i saw it with mayim bialik as host. i knew an answer about a zodiac sign, taurus, that a contestant couldn't answer. i noticed how some laughed when the answer was 'big bang theory', as in the science theory, since mayim was on the sitcom of the same name. i performed in the evening and i think the bit getting the most reaction was the one about the 2 movies i saw over the weekend. during my walks i found 70 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when there was two guests on 'fun with flags', wil wheaton and then levar burton. it was followed by the one where bert wins an award and sheldon keeps hurting himself.

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