Saturday, December 7, 2024

white elephant gift exchange

 after work tonight, i went to a white elephant gift exchange, a meetup event. it was at the bowling alley in st. louis park, but we stayed in a party room near the front door and didn't do any bowling this time. first time at such an event, read up online about it in advance. i chose number 8, but some of the early numbers were not chosen. i chose a package with elephant wrapping paper, it included some soap and bathtub bombs. it was stolen by the moderator, and i chose the other one with the same wrapping paper. it was three yankee candles. one gift wasn't chosen, and it was given to me. it was the one i brought, a word find book i found at five below. it was the time of day when i have the evening meal, i had a french dip sandwich with fries, and a glass of beer, a surly. the tip was already added in, 20 percent, so i didn't add any more. i was getting annoyed for a little while, as some insisted on talking about 'the news of the world'. it lasted longer than the given time allotment, about three hours instead of two. i went to the cub foods near the movie theater after the event was done, got the paper and two small bottles of milk, one of them chocolate. i was tired when i got home and didn't do much, not even go through email. i can find the time to look at it in the morning. at work there was a dial-in meeting in the early afternoon, i think it happened due to an i-pay file spiking in volume on my day off last week. now it means looking at the excel attachment included, not just the PDF where i print the checks. i got caught up on getting checks sent out as expected, it helped that the two fargo files were way smaller than typical. just two mail tubs were sent out at the end of the day, and just over half were the checks left over from the previous day. during my walks i found 50 cents. 

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