Friday, June 11, 2010

War research

i enjoyed being at a baseball game tonight after a long day at work. i needed the time to unwind for multiple reasons. it wasn't just the workday, but also checking my cellphone messages. i don't do this every day, since i don't get calls every day. there were 2 messages waiting, one from my date. i had met her about two weeks ago, and she called me earlier today. she said she was canceling sunday's date since she had met somebody that had really excited her. it wasn't entirely surprising, but still disappointing. i've gotten better at figuring out body language, like how she seemed to be in a rush to leave at the coffee shop. i don't think it was just due to needing to walk her dog and get to work. same with how she preferred communication by email, except for when she dumps me. i've been doing online dating for a while, and i meet only a small fraction of my matches. like 1 in 250. even fewer last longer than one date. while i am still optimistic about future matches, it helps to have expectations in line with reality. i have no interest in seeing her again, even if she comes calling again, like if this new guy doesn't pan out for whatever reason. i haven't met anyone who truly likes to hear that they are somebody's second choice. while i prefer honesty over lies, there is such a case as being way too honest.
   but enough about that. i really like going to baseball games. i didn't get an advance ticket but it was no problem finding just one for me. i like the nightly themes, and tonight was an american revolution theme. the reason given was the upcoming us-england world cup match. there were things like yankee doodle, an artist that can draw you, a fan being showered with eggs benedict arnold, and boston tea in my favorite promotion, 'what's in the bag?' it's a takeoff of 'price is right' and 'let's make a deal'. it always seems to be a good joke to me. there was one costumed character, much like when they had lincoln penny night and 1930s night. it was of general washington, holding a rowing paddle, since they had him crossing different parts of the stadium, of course referring to crossing the delaware. it was one of the few times i got up from my seat, so i could get a picture of washington. since i was behind the plate a few rows i liked my seat and didn't want to get up from it much. they lost 5-3, never led during the game. picked up another souvenir before the game, a hand towel. i have wanted to get them one at a time. next one would be their plush pig.
  the colleague i ride the bus with might be bored hearing about emerson hough research i've done, but i haven't asked him yet. but i'm still researching. i checked further the items available on e-bay, and while i would like a copy of the movie 'covered wagon', based on one of his books, i don't wish to pay $100- for a vhs tape no less. must be rare. i did confirm on wikipedia that the actor playing the villain in it is alan hale- sr.- the father of the actor who played 'skipper' on 'gilligan's island'. i was amazed at what was there, even a program from the criterion theater in new york city, mentioned in some hough biographies. also notable is where some of these items are located, like the french versions of the movie posters. one is in quebec, canada, no surprise there. another was listed as tel aviv, israel. i recognized how it wasn't literally translated into french- as it is 'the caravan west' in that language. looks like some of the postcards are affordable.
     when i entered 'creel used by emerson hough' in a search engine- in reference to what the ike's chapter apparently has on display- i was pleased to have found plenty of articles. one was on library thing, and it was in alpha order so he was next to john houseman, the actor from 'paper chase'. i know him best from 'silver spoons' and the smith barney commericals. another was internet archive, and propaganda. it was in reference to his writing of 'the web', about the american protective league in world war I. still another had an article about the fort douglas war prison barracks, in utah. the article was from uiuc, at first it stumped me, but it was the u. of illinois at champaign. it was part of a system of 3 POW camps, the other 2 being in georgia. it was for german and austro-hungarian internment, and was in operation from 1917-1920.
   hard to say what i want to order next, and when. i recall wanting to order a customized 'simpsons' mug with homer at bat, but this school ordeal did divert my attention from ordering it. but i also know that the school ordeal motivated me to start blogging more than most other factors did. we must remind ourselves how good things can arise out of bad things.  

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