Friday, November 20, 2015

Palace Burlesque Show

   I attended the Palace burlesque show in downtown St. Paul tonight. So it means a night off from the comedy club. I had seen a play before about burlesque at the History Theater, and of course there was a Simpsons episode about it as well. Where Bart worked at one, though Homer didn't want to tell Marge about it. I also went to the Chicago hot dog place as I hadn't been there in a little while. I really liked this show, seeing the way the dancers used their outfits and the music to tell a story. I liked seeing one of them do a reference to the movie 'Wayne's World' by having an outfit like Garth, and dancing to 'Foxy Lady' by Jimi Hendrix. I hadn't seen the movie in a while, but I recognized what it was right away. Another takeaway was the one who danced to a Mary Poppins song, and she had the outfit to match right down to the parasol. It was 'spoonful of sugar'. I said I will never look at that movie the same way again. The dancers had two musical numbers each during this show, and there was two MCs. Though as a comic I didn't think the MCs were all that funny, but as many of you know I have become a comedy snob. This was bound to happen as I have been to plenty of shows and have seen plenty of comics. By now I can easily recognize what works and what doesn't for me. One of them was drinking down beers real quick. I liked how there was no cover, and donations were accepted up front on buckets on the stage.
   We had a Roosevelt mentoring event at the U of Minnesota earlier today, and it meant a glimpse inside the Weisman art museum. I still need to go back and see the entire museum at some point. Looks like the museum is free admission, which does make it easier for anyone who wants to go. I am still surprised how I go to the University all of the time but haven't been there. This building is next to the student union. I liked getting some small souvenirs at the campus bookstore. This included some little buttons saying things like 'Be nice or leave'. I had been to this place to get them before, it reminds me of some of those I had bought at a boutique near my hotel and the St. Louis airport. One of the magnets said 'how come people who claim to know it all don't know when to shut up?' I have known plenty of know it alls so I had them in mind when I bought it. This is also why I like the Kelly Clarkson song called 'Mr. Know it All'.

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