Thursday, February 6, 2020

real-ID application

in the afternoon I went to the driver license station to apply for a real ID. the main thing I noticed when looking at the form was how I didn't need to sign it. there was a space for somebody to do so, if they were signing for somebody under age 18. I liked how I was in and out in a reasonable amount of time. I knew well enough to pay attention to a news segment about it, and went online to see what was needed so I could get it done in one visit. so I had the passport, social security card, and a utility bill besides the existing driver license. I went there after going to a job fair in Burnsville. it meant seeing an advisor for the first time in a while. the census bureau was there, and I was told I will not hear much until the end of march. although later in the day, I got a call from Rochester and was offered a position but it will not start until early april. there is another lead to follow up on from this job fair, based at the airport. and in the early evening I went to one at the main office for a car dealer, although I was told the people I needed to talk to were absent. but I still liked the food and drink they had, and ate some of the jimmy john's sandwiches there.
   later on I went to perform, and before the show began I saw the grad student from texas there, first time in a while. I spoke of how I would like to visit that state again, but not sure when. of course one motivation is to see a writer friend that lives in Houston. but it has been on hold for a while because of my job situation. I was on near the end of the lineup. the performer just before me read song lyrics, about a milkshake.

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