Sunday, April 19, 2020

appealing rejection letter

I applied for a job with the state and got a rejection letter, or email, late last month. I saw how I had up to 30 days to appeal, and decided to send it today. of course it meant having to write it out first, but I pride myself in my writing abilities so I liked the challenge. it didn't take all that long once I got started with it. there were two other writings on my to-do list, but this one was the highest priority. I want a little more perspective before I attempt one of the other two. and those other two weren't related to job searching. I went out for a walk in the late afternoon, and found 33 cents. it is all about paying attention, and going to high-traffic places I guess. I did some fact-finding about performing at virtual shows. much like before, just watching others isn't good enough. and in the evening I watched some TV. 'the simpsons' had 2 episodes. one was a rerun, about a zoo gorilla, and the other about homer becoming friends with the yokel because of helium. and there was 3 'big bang theory' episodes as well. it was leonard skypes with priya, leonard goes to a wedding with amy, and raj dates a deaf lady. between the two 'simpsons' episodes I switched over to 'mash'. I found another small bag of tourist souvenirs to go through, including a lanyard. I re-discovered a few others this week. some were from events such as the final four fan-fest from last year, others were given out at work. 

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