Tuesday, April 7, 2020

clearing off a chair

when I get tired of looking at things, I do something about it. today that meant clearing off a chair in the kitchen. I had plenty of tourist souvenirs and brochures on it, and would move it when i was doing dishes because of having to move the microwave oven somewhere. but it was a pain to have to do this on a regular basis, and I found out there was enough space in a cloth bag for it all. one of the bags had buttons in them, so I moved them to the box of buttons that i have. i also did some shredding of junk mail. then I discovered more to put in the pile, although some if it was moved there after copying down notes I had on it to another paper. I liked finding ways to 'consolidate' things. i did have an interview at midday, a dial-in much like one of those from the previous day as it was with the same bank. except I filed no applications today due to being busy with the cleanup. i know it is not too often where I am that motivated so it is best to keep going until it is done. i went out for a long walk in the late afternoon, and picked up 12 cents. I briefly spoke with a man outside of a grocery store, and noticed the closed gas station has been demolished. 
   when I checked my email again in the evening, after having dinner, i noticed some emails were waiting for me related to job seeker assistance. hopefully i responded quickly enough as the times offered for meetings were either one day away or a week away. i prefer getting started as quickly as possible. once it is confirmed i am told i will be sent a 'zoom' invitation as it will be a 'virtual' meeting. i would like to think it will be rather simple to do. 
   also notable about the day was seeing 3 syndicated reruns of 'big bang theory'. sometimes it is just one. there was raj being advised not to marry someone, sheldon hates fighting, and retinal scan as the dudes are doing a military project. i was disappointed about finding a movie on the 'movies!' channel, near the end of it. this was 'angels in the oufield', the one from the 1950s. i saw the remake, from the 1990s, when it was at theaters. i caught what was the final 10 minutes of it. 

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