Monday, December 12, 2022

running from my roots movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase from a dollar tree, 'running from my roots'. it was billed as a 'country star is born', not sure why unless it was released the same year. i did not recognize many of the actors in it, just neal mccoy, who performs early in the movie. had seen neal in concert many years ago. i did look up the names of some cast members, deana carter- and dallas lovato. deana is the daughter of fred jr., both singers. she played the main character's mom. dallas is the sister of singer demi lovato, she played the young lady who was interested in the small town preacher. the story is about a country singer who tries to go to a bar incognito but is recognized, then it is all over the tabloids, then she decides to leave nashville and go back to her hometown- a small town in texas. the manager, an ex-fiancee, is somebody that you are not supposed to like. one line was that 'your stupid footloose of a town takes care of itself'. the movie does have a decent amount of music in it, most of the songs were ones i hadn't heard before. i like movies with plenty of music, although the story was a little predictable. it was hard to find much about it online, it was released in 2018 but hard to tell if it was at theaters. i did get some other things done throughout the day, such as listen to two more CDs. both were music CDs, the soundtrack to the movie 'top gun maverick' and the greatest hits of loretta lynn, both recent purchases. so now there are two recent purchases of discs i haven't watched or listened to yet. i performed at an open-mic in the evening, thankful to see cul-de-sac there. part of my set was about beer soap and riding a coin-operated horse. sadly one comic didn't know how to leave the stage gracefully, even after being clapped off twice. during my walks i found 95 cents.

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