Thursday, May 16, 2024

before you go, lewis capaldi

 recently i had heard a song on my car radio and it is still stuck in my head. it is 'before you go' by lewis capaldi. i liked reading about it as it was a very personal song for him, about the suicide of his aunt when he was young. the more personal songs tend to be more successful as we tend to know ourselves well. the line that meant the most to me was 'well time can heal, but this won't'. this is sad but true about many things. there are plenty of questions in the lyrics, and i liked that as well as i tend to do this in my own writings. i sometimes ask questions that might be hard to answer, but sometimes the most important thing is just asking. back at work after the day off, it was nice to be back. as expected, some mail left over so i delivered it, such as more NSF statements to a senior leader that is sometimes in the building but not too often. there was a team huddle in the morning, in the conference room near the breakroom. vacation replacement was joining remotely and asked about the blank pages on some of the check printing selections. i said i had let i.t. know last week, but no response yet. i forwarded the email to my boss and some action got done. my boss was on the original email but had been on vacation when i sent it. during my walks i found 1 dollar, all in quarters. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when we meet priya, raj's sister. 

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