Friday, May 24, 2024

check shop pictures

 first day back after a day off. vacation replacement showed thirteen pictures of the check shop to forward on to our 'move champion', so we have enough space for where we are moving to. it covered just about everything we need to get our work done there, including every table we use and every machine as well. a check left over from the previous day was picked up by a courier, normally that recipient wants them sent inter-office. i had the courier sign the form so i had some information to send back by email of who had 'taken ownership' of it. we had been trading plenty of emails about it in the morning. i claimed two more items from the table in the common area with the bank's logo on it, a mouse pad and a ruler. hard to say how more there will be, but i have already claimed more than a dozen items since the cleanup happened. also liked claiming a bobble-head of buddy from the movie 'elf'. i drank the can of coors light with the evening meal and got a can of elm creek so there still are three beers waiting. during my walks i found 1 dollar 29 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when sheldon gets an acting lesson from penny to help him as an instructor, while raj daydreams about bernadette.

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