Wednesday, September 25, 2024

question from facilities

 first day back at work after a day off. in the morning i heard a facilities employee get into the check shop with a key. i was asked why i was still there and said even though most of my colleagues have moved to a downtown facility, my workspace still isn't ready yet. still doesn't bother me any. vacation replacement was working from home, and said i should wipe down the counter. i said i do wipe it down but not every day. thankfully, not much was left over, just two checks. one of them i was told to send regular mail, still waiting to hear about the other one. the boss emailed and spoke of having stomach flu. i spoke about my travels with the mail dude, who also spoke of having friends from university and said some of them are now in the legislature, or parliament, in his homeland of somalia. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 21 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were the second half of the final episode. it was followed by the one where sheldon and leonard hold purses while their ladies go shopping. raj and howard go to a hindu temple. 

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