Sunday, October 6, 2024

bulletproof, godsmack

 there were plenty of songs that i heard during this day, my annual visit to new ulm for oktoberfest. but the standout was 'bulletproof', by godsmack. i was in my car and was about to change the radio station but thankful i didn't. sometimes heavy metal works for me, and i am more likely to find a good one from that genre in outstate minnesota, and this was from a mankato station much like last year. the lyrics that stood out to me were 'want it, need it, bulletproof, too far gone' and it was enough to find the song when i googled the lyrics once i found a safe place to do so. i was coming back from sleepy eye, to see the linus statue, which had an orange pheasant hunting hat on. there were billboards saying the town hosted the governor's hunting opener. one thing of note that i did in new ulm was doing the schell's brewery tour, first time in likely over a decade. i made it to town and it was close to 1pm by then, so i had lunch at taco john's and then went to the brewery to purchase the tour ticket. i know those tours sell out on the weekend of a big event like this one, so 'get while the getting is good'. i got some souvenirs from the brewery tour, a small drinking glass and an extra token. there was two in it and in turned in one for another drink, after having five samples. i chose grain belt, the smaller samples were all schell's. while waiting for the tour to begin i went to the middle of town but the main thing i did there besides plenty of walking was get some popcorn from the wagon next to the museum. after the tour i saw the show from the glockenspiel, then popped over to sleepy eye. when i got back i saw my brick in german park and took a ride on the gravity rail swing, and let out a healthy scream, then said 'worth it!' then a quick stop at turner hall, got a picture of a song on the wall inside. then on to the hotel where i had food and beer, ti was a bratwurst with sauerkraut and potato salad, also had some chocolate cake. i watched the band performing there, and when i was leaving at the end of the night i was asked if i was from the paper, by one of the costumed narren performers, i was not. i made one stop on the drive home, about halfway, in jordan at the holiday gas station. i got some pumpkin spice coffee and then resumed the drive home. i picked up two e-bay orders from the post office in the morning, after getting the rental car. during my walk after getting home i found 26 cents. 

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