i had a visitor pick up a check before midday, this is definitely not too common now. but this colleague was working from home for the day. and there was a request to add notes to a check before it was sent to a government agency, so it was known what it is for. and i made a copy of it after the notes were added, scanned it, and printed out a copy before notes were added. since i have seen the sense of urgency on these special handling checks, i advised this colleague to go to the post office across the road to send it if it needs to go out right away. i have seen how mail in the tub isn't stamped until the next day. i heard what it was like for my vacation replacement on my day off, something about i.t. issues until midday. and the trash i put out in the hall wasn't picked up friday although the bins were empty when i arrived in the morning, so i brought them all in. branch manager asked me at lunchtime about my day off. thankfully there wasn't too much left behind for me to discover. i did some research on polka CDs, likely inspired by telling my dad about this year's visit for oktoberfest in new ulm. i found two more to order soon. i narrowed the list to one for each music act, wanting to make it count on what i buy. this is what i have done so far for others as well, three in all. of course, also on my list was some discovered that weren't polka, but on a label called concord when looking at a new ulm band called the concord singers. during my walks i found 76 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when howard and bernadette found out raj and stuart were in their hot tub, while sheldon and amy decided to share a toothbrush holder.
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