Monday, March 3, 2025

horton hears a who movie

 there wasn't much to do for the day. in the morning i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase, 'Horton hears a who'. this was actually two discs, two movies, in one case. the other animated movie i will try to watch soon. the voice cast included Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, and Carol Burnett. i had seen a shorter version of this story before, as i recall it is bonus material on another DVD, the animated version of 'the grinch' TV special. i had read a dr. Seuss book when i was young about the same elephant, it was 'Horton hatches the egg'. when one line was in the movie, it sounded familiar to that book. 'An elephant faithful, one hundred percent'. i saw the movie as having a lot of social commentary in it, and this made it a better story for me. in the afternoon i went to a library to read a recent newspaper that i expected to have this year's fish fry list, except the list wasn't there. i didn't feel like doing an online subscription with the paper jsut to see the list. i did some more searching online and found a Lutheran church going to a different fish fry every Friday during lent, except for good friday. this gives me plenty of ideas. McDonald's is likely one of the seven stops as well. proximity makes plenty of sense on where to attend a fish fry, but there are plenty nearby within a short drive. i also ran my paper shredder for the first time in months, two plastic grocery bags filled. in the early evening i went to perform. there were stories about the bank, a U-turn, and being asked for donations. after i got back, i heard a crying child and then a music box while i was doing the dishes. i wanted to go to my neighbor and ask, 'why did the music stop? i don't mind'. i am sure the music was a way to try to get the kid to stop crying. during my walks i found 51 cents. 

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