during my lunchtime i decided to take a walk in the skyway to the next building over, to a convenience store that i had passed by often to get to Walgreen but hadn't been in yet. what had caught my eye before was the greeting cards. i got a good look at the display and bought one, made by 'leanin tree'. chose it as it is the 'year of birth' series. many years were available, i chose 1923 as that was the year of Emerson Hough's passing and of his book, 'covered wagon' being a hit movie. fourteen bullet points were about events of the year, including famous people born that year. one thing also there was mention of the attorney general declaring it legal for women to wear trousers anywhere. women got the right to vote in 1920, so it made sense that other rights would follow shortly after that. on the back of the card, it gives two web addresses. one is of the greeting card company, the other is of a museum of the same name, which according to online searches closed in 2017. i am aware of how some convenience stores have cards that been for sale for years, and some are dated if politicians are on them. this tells me the card had likely been for sale for a while if a now-closed museum is mentioned. there is another card, with a different theme, on display at this store that i will want to get sometime soon. good idea to get it while fresh in my mind, so likely next week. i bought two other items while there, a bag of skinny popcorn and a bottle of Dunkin donuts coffee. some businesses in the skyway weren't open, likely due to the winter weather. signs said a coffee shop closed at 12noon and a pizza place was 'closed for the day', so i guess it didn't open at all. it wasn't too big of a deal to get to work, main thing was getting out my big shovel to dig out my car. then i was ready to go, on to the park and ride. there were no 'big bang' reruns on as state tournament was on instead, high school boys hockey. i didn't watch that, i switched to the 'movies' channel and watched part of 'French Connection' as the channel is honoring gene hackman after his recent passing. later on, i went on a walk and found 76 cents.
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