Saturday, March 8, 2025

metronome brewery

it was a busy day for me, my birthday. after work i made three stops. one of them was at a meetup event, metronome brewery in St. Paul near the Saints baseball stadium. i had passed by it a lot when i was attending a game, first time inside. this small venue was crowded but i found a place in the back, and spoke with a Canadian lady, who was from the Vancouver area. one dude there i found to be annoying, couldn't get his facts straight and proved to be a hypocrite. i think this is why i am fine with just sharing a conversation with most of these people and then going our separate ways. i was there for a little over an hour and then went to Hy-Vee in Eagan for grocery shopping. this time it was in a paper bag, usually it is plastic. i went to their liquor store first and got another can of paulaner, so there are once again four beers waiting. before i made it to the brewery i went to a fish fry, at St. Thomas More in St. Paul. i had attended this one before, and noticed it was in a different room this time, the auditorium instead of the lunchroom. peach cobbler was part of the meal, and it reminded me of my college roommate. after Hy-Vee i went home and checked email, as expected there were some birthday wishes on Facebook, as well as some birthday offers in my Hotmail account. i guess there are five offers, but one of the movie theaters i have a loyalty account with didn't send an email to remind me like the others did. i have one movie in mind, now it means finding another one to see this month. free popcorn is the offer from both movie theater chains. at work, both of the big supply orders arrived in the morning. first it was check-stock, then the envelopes less than an hour later. this has happened before. one check file was listed as 'awaiting approval' and then was withdrawn. this was after i responded to the emailed overnight list saying it wasn't approved yet. during my walks i found 30 cents. 

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