Wednesday, November 25, 2020

luxury gift guide

 i was sent something in the mail from walgreen, and on the front page it said 'give merry', and called itself a luxury gift guide. there are various fragrance ads inside, endorsed by famous people, including elizabeth taylor, sarah jessica parker, jennifer lopez, lionel richie, and jennifer aniston. i do not shop for these things, hard to say why i was sent this catalog, although they might have sent it to all of those using their loyalty program. work was fairly ho-hum, thankfully no drama. there is always a chance of a 'crisis before the holiday'. overnight packages were down again, 17 in all. i got out close to the regular leave time, about 15 minutes after it. i went on a walk in the evening and found 26 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard became more assertive and landed a special project. raj made statements about the loch ness monster that appeared in a review of his planetarium gig. it was followed by the one where amy is sad and plays the harp when her friends go dress shopping without her, then she becomes maid of honor. 'the conners' was about darlene becoming a manager at the plastics plant. i still haven't heard mention of how they found a way to keep the house. 

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