Sunday, January 5, 2025

a complete unknown movie

 in the afternoon i went to see the movie 'complete unknown', the bob dylan biopic, in inver grove heights. i arrived just five minutes before the screening began and was warned that there weren't many seats left. but i said i was fine with sitting up front. there weren't many actors in it that i recognized, just ed norton as pete seeger. and i liked seeing someone playing johnny cash. i was aware of how the source material was a book, this explains why the time period covered was fairly short, just four years. but i didn't mind as there still was plenty of music in it. this movie was a reminder of how i am more familiar with other performers recording songs that bob dylan wrote. this definitely included hearing 'it ain't me babe' as i knew this as a johnny cash song. same is true with 'hard rain's gonna fall' which was on the soundtrack for the movie 'born on the fourth of july'. leading up to it, i was reminded of having seen bob dylan in concert at the saints baseball stadium in st. paul in 2005, with willie nelson. but i was mainly there to see willie. the movie was longer than many that i have seen in theaters, over two hours. this might explain why i needed bathroom breaks, not one but two. i know i was quick with both of these breaks so i didn't miss much. i found out after the second one that there wasn't much left. i am used to seeing the disclaimer in the closing credits for movies like this one, based on a true story. 'some scenes and characters were invented for dramatic effect'. not much left to do after the movie was done. i went home and got groceries at the aldi. then i went to have a sandwich at jersey mike's for the evening meal. normally this is a lunch thing but i ate at home for lunch due to the plans for seeing the movie. i got the errand running done in the morning. there was going to the post office, two orders were picked up. then i dumped the recycle at a place near the capitol. finally, there was going to dump change at the credit union. just over ten dollars went into my savings account, and as usual much of it was pennies. during my walks i found 86 cents. 

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