Tuesday, January 21, 2025

american outlaws movie

 in the morning i watched another DVD that was a recent purchase, it was 'american outlaws'. the storyline may have been about the james-younger gang, but it seemed largely fictionalized. early in the movie we hear that the civil war has just ended. kathy bates plays the mom of frank and jesse james. a decent story, and it included some romance as there was a character known as 'z', the love interest of jesse. and tim dalton, who had played james bond, was mr. pinkerton, head of the detective service hunting down the gang. after the movie was done i watched the inauguration of the president, since it was a bank holiday i had the time to do so. i don't think i had seen these too often before. i wrote down some of the songs that i had heard during this event. many of them were patriotic, one of them i knew was the air force anthem. one of them was a church hymn, 'for the beauty of the earth'. once the chopper left capitol hill that the outgoing president was on, i figured it was time to get some other things done. one of those was going through my comedy sets from the past year and getting them onto blank pages and into sheet protectors in a binder. along with souvenirs, usually candy bar wrappers. these were clipped together by each visit. not all were taped onto pages, but now i am just over two months behind. not sure why i let them pile up for so long. i got six pages in all into binders, three each for the sets and the souvenirs. then i watched 'jeopardy'. in the evening i went to perform at an open mic. i did stories about movies i had watched at home, attending a memorial service, a song i had recently heard, and weekend errands. during my walks i found 60 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard sleeps with mrs. latham, a contributor to the university. it was followed by the one where sheldon and amy find a wedding venue. 

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