Monday, January 27, 2025

babygirl movie

 went to see a movie in inver grove heights, it was 'babygirl', an early screening that began at 11am. i recognized Nicole Kidman in it. this was about a CEO that has an affair with her intern. Antonio Banderas plays her husband, a director of live theater. i laughed when i saw a sign in her husband's theater saying, 'leave the drama on the stage'. surprised me a little to hear two songs in this movie that were released decades ago. it was 'never tear us apart' by INXS, and 'father figure' by George Michael. guess it fit the story they were trying to tell. after the movie it was time for lunch, so i walked over to the nearby speedway gas station and got a sandwich. i ate it and the peanut butter cookie and some taco-flavored chips in the car, then i drove home. good timing on what song was playing on my car radio when i was en route, it was Al Green's cover of REM's 'everybody hurts'. the first of the two football games of the day had already started, eagles went on to win handily over the commanders. eagles led by eighteen with ten minutes left, i turned it off as i wanted to listen to a john wayne CD i had bought at a resale shop. found out the eagles scored twice more. then the chiefs beat the bills in a close one, so now the super bowl matchup is set. i didn't get started on the dishes until after the second game was over. i also logged on to linkedin after getting an email suggesting i add a contact. didn't add that one but another one, and cut four so now i am down to under fifty. i still believe in relevance on my online activity. during my walks i found 26 cents. 

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