Wednesday, January 29, 2025

next tax forms batch

 the next batch of tax forms to send out for payroll arrived. three different states were in it, smallest volume is oregon, under a thousand. sounds like three thousand in all. i said i would do as many as possible the next morning. the boss was in the shop and was copied on an email from the canada office. it was asking us to send out forms for them, response was due to their machine not working. the boss responded and advised that office to contact the mailroom about it. vacation replacement was not in, was ill and decided to work from home. i spoke of a returned check arriving for our team and was told it would be handled the next day. there was two in the blue company envelope. the other was an oregon check, and i decided to send three oregon checks, including that one, in an envelope to another office as i do that once a week. saw a message in my hotmail account about my membership with the loft literary center, and i  responded to it this time. i didn't when i was asked 'how are things?' in late october when i would have had more time to do an online chat as i had days off to use at year-end. i asked if there would be another member/friend event soon as i like attending those. tried doing surveys for airline miles but the site just wasn't functioning well so i guess i have to wait for another day for that. during my walks i found 14 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when we see amy's smoking monkey. sheldon and amy kiss and then amy vomits. it was followed by the one where sheldon and leonard go to texas, and we meet sheldon's brother, george, at his tire shop. 

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