Friday, March 30, 2018

mad world, gary jules

tonight i sang 'mad world' by gary jules at the karaoke bar. this song was in the back of my mind for a while, i think it was due to somebody quoting the lyrics. the 'kinda funny, kinda sad' part. i watched the video on YouTube to get primed for singing it. so many of the song lyrics ring true for me. such as 'went to school and i was very nervous, no one knew me'. i knew what it was like to be a new student, when my family moved, i was in the middle of third grade. and being at a bar, i think of 'i want to drown my sorrows'.
  it was already snowing by the time i started my drive there, i was on facebook and accepted some stage time at a show that will be happening soon. but i made it home without incident. closest i got to it being problematic was skidding a little on an on-ramp, and i know full well to keep going, but stay off the gas pedal as much as possible until you make it through. file it under 'experience pays'. then i stopped at a super-America as i needed to go to the bathroom, and knew i wouldn't make it in time to use the bathroom at home. i had a craving for some cheese, and bought some while there, a kraft big cheese snack. it reminded me to check my postcard collection, and no i didn't have the kraft (or 'sealtest') postcard of the 1939 world's fair in new York, so i ordered it on e-bay. I've had a similar cheese snack before from borden, but i haven't ordered that world's fair postcard yet. it seems to be more rare than sealtest.
  at work i scored 119 tests, same as Thursday, but i had to press a little more near the end of the day to get there. my boss brought me a few tests to review, and the director had an announcement to make near the end of the day about inspectors that would be arriving next week.
  in the evening i went to a bar in st. paul for another fish meal, the last of this season of lent. i ate fish at a different place for all 7 Fridays. it was crowded at this bar, a bingo game was happening. i ordered a Schmidt beer with the meal, cod fish and fries and cole slaw. seemed appropriate since the bar was near the former Schmidt brewery. after that i bought a few items at cooper's grocery store, also on west 7th. i found a can of fruit there, shur fine brand, might be the last of it based on my scanning of the aisles. as you know, readers, i loved those can labels, the 'look at me!' message on them, an arrow pointing  to it with something funny. this one said 'peared down!'

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