Monday, July 22, 2024

brief encounter movie

 this afternoon i went to see 'brief encounter', a british film from the 1940s, at the trylon cinema in south minneapolis. i paid for the small popcorn and a can of 7-up in quarters. i laughed at times, especially when the leading lady gave us her thoughts. the funniest was when she wanted the gossip to stop talking. many of the scenes take place at the train station platforms, but others in shops as well as the cafe at the train station. the story can be considered heartbreaking as the couple can't be together despite their love as both are already married. i think this is why the theater said it was one of the great british films. in recent years i have been going to this theater more than any other, as i do like seeing classics. there will likely be another one i will see there soon enough, just need to check the schedule. and while there i saw a notebook saying 'suggestions' and i wrote down 'long days journey into night' starring katharine hepburn. in the morning i went through some things on the counter in my home that i hadn't looked at in a while and this meant more ended up in the shred box. then i shredded the junk mail and filled one plastic grocery bag. after the movie i watched some TV, there was a special report on some media outlets during prime time about the president bowing out of the race. then i went on a long walk around the neighborhood and claimed a small paperback book from a little free library. it was thurber stories. during my walks i found 55 cents. 

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