Wednesday, July 3, 2024

reimbursement call

 at work there was a call from my boss on handling the reimbursement on the metro-pass as my move has been delayed. i finally found out what T and E meant, travel and expenses. there were various steps to get it entered, on a site or app that i hadn't seen before. i adopted another christmas ornament that was found in the payroll area. not too many people in the office this week due to the holiday. saw the branch manager in the breakroom at lunchtime and she spoke of how it is 'business as usual', hasn't heard yet if the branch will remain. in the evening i went to a cub foods and picked up a vegetable tray for a picnic this week. and i went to the nearby walgreen and got some tea, string cheese, and TP. i saw a lady having to tell a toddler to stop running, eventually she just scooped up the contrary kid. while there i heard the song 'eternal flame' by the bangles, i am ambivalent about it. a gentle song, sounds good. except it reminds me of a page in a high school yearbook when a student took his own life. but i was already quite aware of how many memories can be tied up in music. later on i went on a walk and found 11 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon kept hurting himself after bert won an award. liked how penny called him 'dolores'. it was followed by the one where amy makes a scene after sheldon backed out on spending time with her at a family funeral, as he preferred spending time with the dudes playing a video game. 

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