Monday, July 29, 2024

tulsa king

 in the evening i watched most of an episode of 'tulsa king' on CBS, joined in progress early on as i was doing other things first. pretty good, i had seen plenty of shows starring sylvester stallone before. i noticed it was edited for television as one scene said 'damn' and one could tell it was dubbed. a gangster that had moved to oklahoma, i understood that much before watching it. i liked how there was not much to do for the day. in the morning i did laundry. i wanted to get started early on it as i knew the olympic games from paris were on, specifically a basketball game. the USA men's team played serbia, first game of the tournament, and the americans won 110-84 after leading by 9 at the half. i joined it midway through the second quarter so i saw more than half of the game. i don't watch the NBA much so i don't know all of the players on the american team, although like most i am quite familiar with lebron james and steph curry. looking at what is in the olympic lineup, it looks like this is the only sport i will be watching on NBC. three sports are of interest to me, and baseball is not part of this year's lineup. another one, boxing, is only on streaming or online apparently. most likely i can still find highlights on youtube, it seems like just about everything can be found on that site. once the game was done it was midday by then, i had lunch and then i laid down for a while after putting away laundry. later on i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 87 cents. since it is warm i did go to a nearby gas station as well, got a can of tea and lemonade as well as an ice cream sandwich. 

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