Tuesday, April 26, 2022

another big file delay

 the two largest files, both from fargo, were delayed again today, much like on monday. i got them printed, starting just after midday, and one still went out same-day but not the other. not much i can do,  depends on others. but since i still have some checks to print from the special project i stayed occupied for the most part. team huddle in the morning said next month we would be doing 2 days a week at the office, so it might mean the chance to do job shadowing and cross training. in the evening i went on a walk and found 92 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon did acting lessons from penny and she had to call his mom after he got stuck in a story that was a hybrid of star trek and growing up in texas. it was followed by the one where raj snoops on emily and broke a nightstand drawer. sheldon completed an application to live on mars. i did some research and decided on the next CD to order from new ulm. it was inspired by the recent purchase of a postcard from e-bay. i am able to order polka and waltz CDs from their radio station, the second order i have placed and the first since october. of course the first order was inspired by my annual oktoberfest visit. there might be another order soon but i think i will wait until the current order arrives. 

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