Tuesday, April 26, 2022

nearly a million

 i handled a check that was for nearly a million, going to a special agent with a  government agency. it was disappointing how i had to set it aside after forwarding a copy though, as i had spent a lot of time on just one check. i made a point of telling a colleague this in an IM, how there are other business lines that i handle. they said the check would have to be re-done, so it is moved back a day and the overnight package did not go out. at first it sounded like they threatened to contact my boss about it, but a little later i saw an email where i was given points. in the evening i went on a walk and found 54 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns where when the friends took 2 cars to a symposium, then they argue publicly, as howard was jealous after he met bernadette's ex. it was followed by the one where howard was at the airport trying to get his mom's urn back. the others did an activity where friends stare into each other's eyes for 4 minutes to see if they fall in love. i performed at an open-mic and i think the greatest reaction was to the story about 'leave me out of this'. i liked the MC singing 2 songs i was familiar with-'chasing cars' by snow patrol, and 'memories' by maroon 5. 

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