Tuesday, April 19, 2022

test check meeting

 i was emailed about doing some test checks, and we were trying to hash things out but it wasn't going that well. i copied my boss on the thread, who suggested scheduling a meeting about it. this was a good idea. so one was scheduled for the afternoon, lasted 10 minutes. the test check session will be friday morning. i said i usually print them on stock but found out i won't need to. what is different here is being asked to positive pay them even though they are test checks, but the positive pay part is what is being tested this time. there was just three on the call, my boss had a half-day and was not part of it. our local i.t. man was the third. the dude who called the meeting is apparently based in oregon, i was not aware. moving right along on doing checks from the special project, less than four thousand from late march remain. i am still finding goodies in the office, in the payroll section. first it was carrot cake, today it was donuts from hy-vee. in the evening i went on a walk and found 44 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when there was an 'indiana jones' parody, as sheldon stole the movie after the theater was full. it was followed by the one where sheldon and leonard were at the store, holding purses for their ladies, and end up crying. 

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