Saturday, April 23, 2022

lady of the manor movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'lady of the manor'. i recognized melanie lynskey and patrick duffy in it. the premise sounded good to me, as it was about a tour guide in a historic home. but the movie wasn't that good. the main character was a slacker, and the script left a lot to be desired. for one thing, she was arrested for solicitation but i figured this meant being caught in the act such as naming a price and this never happened. and i also didn't like how she kept insulting the college professor of history that was trying to help her. i can relate to the prof in this movie as i have been on tours where i knew i was smart enough to give them, sometimes smarter than the tour guide. sign of the times, the young heir and his wife are on a dinner date but spend much of it on their phones, ignoring each other, except to do a pic to post on social media. the setting was savannah, georgia, but closing credits said it was filmed in tampa-st. pete, florida. it might have been purely coincidental, but i liked one of the lines being 'up in the air'-a favorite movie of mine, and one that melanie was in. i am thankful i didn't pay much to see it, with a discount code it was a little over a dollar. 

once the movie was done i got started on errand running. it meant going to the credit union where i deposited a small check that arrived this week, and i had them move some of what was in savings over to my certificate of deposit. a walgreen was nearby, so i went over to get some discounted easter candy. then it was on to the gas station, where i dumped the movie, and i looked around inside. while there i heard a song i found out was called 'bonaparte's retreat', i liked how some bagpipes were in it. then it was on to the post office, all three orders were there, all postcards. then i ordered three more. after having lunch i watched some USFL football, pittsburgh vs. philadelphia, but not that close. then i went to family dollar where i got a clint eastwood DVD, 3 movies in it, as well as more kool-aid. but the drinks will be for next weekend. after laying down for a little while i went to aldi for my weekly grocery order. after having some pizza it took a while but i found a good movie on TV, 'young frankenstein', with gene wilder. i recall seeing it halloween weekend when i drove up to winnipeg, canada, many years ago for a van halen concert. later on i went on a walk and found 91 cents. 

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