Saturday, April 2, 2022

patriots day movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'patriots day'. i recognized kevin bacon, john goodman, and jk simmons in it. john was why i chose it, he plays the police commissioner. there is a police superintendent as well, which is confusing. this movie was about the boston marathon bombing of 2013. i do recall this news story, so some of what was depicted was familiar. so i knew when they got to the part about the boat, the story was nearly finished. of course it is typical of movies 'based on a true story' where some scenes and characters were invented for dramatic effect. this would explain mark wahlberg having a role in it, besides being a producer. his character was fictional, explaining why a boston cop is seen in nearby watertown, which would be out of his jurisdiction. i knew red sox baseball player david ortiz is in it as himself, but does not appear until the end. at first i had chosen another movie to rent, but when it was spit out by the machine i noticed it was blue-ray and i can't play a blue-ray movie. so it got returned right away. since patriots day is in april, i am aware this is likely why the movie was available there since it has been around for a few years, released in late 2016, early 2017. 

once the movie was done it was time to get to the credit union and have change counted, i do this quarterly. the proceeds went into my savings account, and some of what is there my get transferred to the certificate of deposit once the maturity date happens later this month. then i dumped the movie at the gas station and went to pick up e-bay orders, all three were there including the iowa hawkeye socks. then it was time to get home and have lunch, a turkey pot pie. after doing some research online i went to the open house at the french alliance in minneapolis. i bought some postcards there, as well as some banana bread and a latte. next stop was a store that has dunkin donuts cereal. i also got some greeting cards about the pandemic, proof of how anything will get made if somebody thinks it will sell. i see it as a historic artifact, and those two went into my photo albums along with the french cards. i had pizza for the evening meal, after going to aldi for my weekly grocery order. and i did a philosophical posting on facebook inspired by the visit to the french alliance. how art had answers for me, such as quoting a langston hughes poem. or thinking of 'i regret nothing' by edith piaf. during my walks i found 1 dollar 65 cents. so i am already getting started on the next time i deposit change. 

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