Tuesday, April 12, 2022

flautist wore combat boots

 i went to the open-mic to perform tonight and the flautist wore combat boots. even though she is a pacifist. i liked one song she used while performing, it was 'all around me' by flyleaf. it was also nice to see the mad hatter there for the first time in a while. emcee liked my story about being called 'night walker'. later on i went on a walk and found 57 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon used a virtual presence device and penny called him 'shel-bot'. it was followed by the one where the girls go to las vegas and the guys try to work but end up watching movies. it was funny to see amy fall out of bed while hung over trying to close the drapes. at work there was a server issue near the end of the day and i had to find an alternate printer for UPS labels. it meant going to use the copier in the branch manager office. more than half of the overnighted envelopes still went out but it was tied to the branch schedule, and when it closes for the day that is it as i have no access on my own. so i did as many as i could and the others have to be carried over to the next day. i figured i had seen it all on technology issues. i let my work spouse know before midday by instant message how i had chosen a twins game outing this summer over another event. after thinking about it for a while, it was really no contest as to which one to choose when the two were on the same day. 

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