when i arrived at work in the morning i noticed the air conditioner was on and blowing out cold air. so, it meant that facilities had been there. a few minutes later, i did see a tech and heard more about it. the unit had been swapped out. i was used to the previous one shutting off every so often. later on, i was having issues with the inserter machine stopping a lot, saying 'envelope too deep'. vacation replacement was able to get some alternate configurations going. after this the machine just hummed along. another case of my colleague taking a lot off of my plate. the boss asked about it on a visit to inspect the air conditioner, wasn't expecting my colleague to be there. still waiting to hear when the e-911 phone will have installation done, and when four 'inactive phones' will be picked up. those phones have been in the corner of the room i work in since i moved there over a month ago. i checked movie times for the weekend and now i have a 'super bowl movie' to attend. there is an early screening available, starting around midday, which will wrap up well before the game begins. i am not interested in watching those pregame shows, just want to see the game. during my walks i found 75 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Amy attended a wedding with Leonard, while Sheldon stayed home and played with toy trains. Howard and Bernadette hear 'in or out' from Howard's mom. liked this one as Bernadette said 'he hasn't tried them yet' about the pancakes. it was followed by the one where Amy us upset about being pulled off her own project- by Sheldon, and the university president.
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