Wednesday, February 5, 2025

software upgrade for hoppers

 we had a tech look at the inserter machine in the morning, found out there was no call as the only number on file was the former location. tech said a software upgrade was needed to use the other two hoppers on the machine. it made sense to ask for this when there are three hoppers in case we ever need to switch to another one, as i sometimes did on the previous machine in order to get checks out as quickly as possible. in the afternoon was my 'one on one' with the boss. some of these other meetings were also done in the shop. in the evening i saw how the local baseball team, the Minnesota twins, had announced their promotions schedule. there is one that is of interest to me, so i might want to order tickets soon even though the season hasn't started yet. hopefully the other local team, the St. Paul saints, also releases a promotions schedule real soon. i go to more of their games. during my walks i found 75 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Leonard did skype calls with Priya. penny claims a chair and Sheldon doesn't like it. this is when penny does 'what's up buttercup?' and the scene ends with a cushion being shown to Sheldon. it was followed by the one where Bernadette and penny have dinner with anu, raj's lady friend. i also watched 'night court', and it involved a polygraph. 

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