Tuesday, February 18, 2025

becoming led zeppelin documentary

it was a day off from work, due to the bank holiday, and i decided a good way to stay occupied was to go see a movie. i went to see the musical documentary, called 'Becoming Led Zeppelin', in Edina at Southdale mall, mid-morning. before i made it there i first went to a Walgreen and got a vaccine done. as the title suggests, it is mainly about how the band was formed and then the band's early years. i was pleased with all of the music in it, first was what inspired the band, then it was songs from their first two albums. of the three surviving band members, it was mostly Jimmy Page being interviewed, but this made sense as it was Jimmy who formed the band after the Yardbirds broke up. there were audio interviews with the late John Bonham, the drummer, as well. notable was when the band passed the Beatles and became number one in album sales. i liked what frontman Robert Plant said about songwriting can be hard, as it means being intimate and exposing yourself. i know i have said this about the performing i do, as i usually do sets about my own life. after the movie was done i drove to Mall of America and had lunch, at Hooters. i was flattered when i got carded, but they likely have to card everybody. i had ordered a beer, a Surly. for the food part of the order i had the fish sandwich and fries, no complaint at all about the fries as it was more than most places i had been to. there were four songs i noticed while at the mall, three while having lunch. there was Alanis- 'hands clean', Pitbull- 'give me everything', 'Everclear- 'wonderful', and Selena Gomez- 'love you like a love song'. the fourth was while i was looking around inside the Five Below, but didn't buy anything on this visit. i did get some ice cream at the American Cookie place though, as i like ice cream and earning airline miles. i walked around most of the mall, doing a lap around floors one through three. when i got home i placed two calls, one was to discover card, the other was to my health insurance provider. then i watched jeopardy. the final jeopardy clue was about diseases mentioned in novels, i correctly guessed it was scarlet fever that was written about in little women, and little house. in the evening i went to perform, and i did speak of my day off as well as bank stories. during my walks i found 25 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Amy got a tiara from Sheldon, laughed a lot at this one. it was followed by the one where Leonard has a dream that he eats Bert, then Raj. 

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