this afternoon i went to the Trylon and saw a documentary, it was called 'America: everything you've ever dreamed of'. this was actually a collection of short documentaries, filmed between 1971-73, running rime was a little over an hour. i really liked the one about the painters of billboards, it was of a car, the Ford Gran Torino. this would have been the 'sign painters in Brooklyn' mentioned in the description of the film when i made the advance reservation. it began and ended with retirees in Sun City, Arizona, and those segments had some overlapping footage. memorable in those two segments was seeing the 'adult tricycles' the retirees were riding on. not part of the description was 'campus crusade for Christ' but this was a reminder of what i saw in churches when i was young. hearing them sing 'they will know we are Christians by our love' was a familiar song to me. it once was recorded as a way of advertising the church's statewide camp for young people. 'Help-line operators' was part of the description, and it reminded me of my time doing call-center work. when there was mention of 'some people just want somebody to talk to' i was reminded of a call where i could tell that is what the caller wanted, and i said 'i am just an average joe'. it was called 'caustic and deadpan', well i saw the deadpan a lot but the caustic, not so much. it would have been mainly in the segment about 'denizens of a bowery men's shelter'. as those were alcoholics, drug addicts, and former mental hospital patients. there was a segment about 'how to be ladylike' and it showed women how to hold a purse. i had to look up 'comportment' to know what it meant as this was called 'female comportment instructors'. it said, 'how one behaves or conducts themselves'. also memorable were the rooms used by honeymooners in the Poconos, and the executives at 'Musak' who were in the business of music and described what music was best for someone based on their occupation. hard to follow how the segment about Tonga fit as that is not an American territory. it was a stark contrast to the other segments though. not much else to do for the day, picked up a few things at Walgreen on the way to the movie. in the morning i watched three charlie brown specials on DVD. first was 'happy new year' and the other two were Valentine's Day editions. and i did the dishes in the evening. during my walks i found 28 cents.
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