Tuesday, February 25, 2025

pumpkin pie greeting card

 i made a visit to the convenience store on the main floor to get lunch, a sandwich and a bottle of juice, and decided to get a closer look at the greeting cards. the ones about politicians were dated, did not buy them. i liked one about pumpkin pie for thanksgiving, so i bought that one. it will go into one of the photo albums where i keep other postcards and greeting cards. there was a spike in volume in one of the check files that arrive in the morning, this led to playing catch-up for most of the day. some days the total of the PDF checks is just over one hundred, but one of these morning files was well over a thousand. it led to some of the Fargo checks being saved for the next day, over a thousand, also due to the Fargo files not being approved until midday. this is two hours later than typical. i have had a backlog before but i don't enjoy it much. i went to perform in the evening, there was not just bank stories but also light rail stories and Facebook oddities. during my walks i found 1 dollar, all in quarters. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when Sheldon and Kripke played basketball to decide who would win an office. it was followed by the one where Sheldon and Amy did sensory deprivation tanks. Sheldon loved it and Amy hated it. 

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